Storholmen Viking association
Storholmen Viking association, connected to the Viking village
Storholmen Arhcaeological Open Air museum/Storholmen Viking village, is run by a non profit foundation. Connected to the museum is also a voluntary museum association called Storholmen Viking association, and is the Viking Villages support association. The members populate the museum, and make the Viking Age come alive through their knowledge and enthusiasm. To spread the knowledge the association holds courses, lectures and field trips for the members and the public.
As a member you have the opportunity to take part of the Viking village activities, such as courses and journeys of different kinds. You will get continuous information about activities for members or the public, and also updated information about the village.
The purpose of the association:
Extract from the Statutes of the Association:
”§ 2. The associations’ main purpose is to promote the interest and knowledge about the Nordic prehistory in different ways and to promote cooperation between associations with similar interests.”
Members fee
If you want to be a members you forward the members fee into the associations bank account (Bankgiro 456-8465 for Swedish members) and then send your contact information to medlem@storholmen.org. That way you will get information about the activities directly to your mailbox. Fill in the information clearly, with your full name, address, phone number and birth year when you pay the members fee.
For international bank transfers please use:
IBAN: SE56 8000 0824 2000 3838 3287
One person: 150 SEK
Family: 300 SEK